Important Notice

The operation and URL of NBDC Human Database will change in Apr 2024. For details, please visit the link.

The review system of NBDC Human Database has changed. For details, please visit the link.

About NBDC Human Database

An enormous amount of human data is being generated with advances in next-generation sequencing and other analytical technologies. We therefore need rules and mechanisms for organizing and storing such data and for effectively utilizing them to make progress in the life sciences.

To promote sharing and utilization of human data while considering the protection of personal information, the Database Center for Life Science (DBCLS) of the Joint Support-Center for Data Science Research, Research Organization of Information and Systems (ROIS-DS) created a platform for sharing various data generated from human specimens, which are available for publicly access in cooperation with the DNA Data Bank of JapanDDBJ logo ddbj 2013.

You can apply to use or submit human data through this website.

Violators of the guidelines who have not submitted a report on the deletion of Controlled-access data shall be disclosed here.

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