hum0068 Release Note
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Research ID | Release Date | Type of Data |
hum0068.v6 | 2023/02/10 | NGS (WGS, RNA-seq, Target Capture, Visium Spatial Gene Expression), histological image, Multiplex Fluorescence Immunostaining |
hum0068.v5 | 2022/12/27 | Processed data of JGAD000252 by JGA |
hum0068.v4 | 2022/03/23 | NGS (scDNA-seq, RNA-seq) |
hum0068.v3 | 2021/12/14 | NGS (RNA-seq, WGS) |
hum0068.v2 | 2020/10/19 | NGS (WGS) |
hum0068.v1 | 2017/07/10 | NGS (PCR amplicon seq) |
DNAs/RNAs were extracted from 3 lung adenocarcinoma patients. Libraries were prepared using TruSeq Nano DNA Library Prep kit, TruSeq DNA PCR-Free Library Prep Kit, SQK-LSK109, SMART-Seq v4 Ultra Low Input RNA Kit, Nextera XT DNA Library Preparation Kit, TruSeq Stranded mRNA Library Prep, TruSeq Stranded Total RNA Library Prep Gold, SMART-Seq Stranded Kit and SureSelect NCC oncopanel and DNA/RNA sequencing was performed by using of NovaSeq, HiSeq and PromethION. Fastq files are provided (paired-end / single-end).
RNAs extracted from tumor tissues of 3 lung adenocarcinoma patients were used for Visium Spatial Gene Expression Assay. Fastq, png, json and csv files are provided.
Tumor tissues of 3 lung adenocarcinoma patients were used for multiplex fluorescence immunostaining. Qptiff files are provided.
The alignment results [CRAM], variant call results per sample [gVCF], and variant call results per dataset [aggregated VCF] processed JGAD000252 in a certain workflow were provided. If you plan to use the data, please indicate both original data (JGAD000252) and processed data (JGAD000670) on the application form for data use.
Single-cell DNAs were extracted from 2 lung adenocarcinoma patients. Libraries were prepared using Chromium Single Cell DNA Reagent Kits (10x Genomics) and DNA sequencing was performed by using of NovaSeq. Fastq files are provided (paired-end).
RNAs were extracted from 5 lung adenocarcinoma patients. Libraries were prepared using SMART-Seq v4 Ultra Low Input RNA Kit and RNA sequencing was performed by using of NovaSeq. Fastq files are provided (paired-end).
RNAs/DNAs were extracted from 11 lung adenocarcinoma patients. Libraries were prepared using SMART-Seq v4 Ultra Low Input RNA Kit / SQK-LSK109 and RNA/DNA sequencing was performed by using of NovaSeq and PromethION. Fastq files are provided (paired-end / single-end).
DNAs were extracted from 21 lung adenocarcinoma patients. Libraries were prepared using TruSeq Nano DNA Library Prep kit / SQK-LSK109 and DNA sequencing was performed by using of NovaSeq and PromethION. Fastq files are provided (paired-end / single-end).
RNAs were extracted from 8 lung adenocarcinoma patients. After reverse transcription reaction, target regions were amplified by PCR. Libraries were prepared using Nanopore Sequencing Kit and DNA sequencing was performed by using of MinION (Oxford Nanopore Technologies). Fastq files are provided (single-end).