NBDC Research ID: hum0043.v1
Aims: Japanese ADNI aims to establish imaging and biofluid markers that can predict and monitor the progression of changes in the brains of elderly individuals with AD, mild cognitive impairment (MCI) or normal cognition, and eventually be used as a surrogate markers for the clinical trials of DMDs for AD.
Methods: The research protocol includes structural MRI analysis, FDG and amyloid PET, CSF sampling, apoE genotyping, combined with a set of clinical and psychometric tests that were prepared to achieve the highest compatibility to those used in US-ADNI.
Participants/Materials::Participants enrolled in a longitudinal study: 537 (healthly elderly controls: 154, mild cognitive impairment (MCI): 234, Alzheimer's disease (AD): 149)
Dataset ID | Type of Data | Criteria | Release Date | |
1. |
Clinical and Psychometric Tests, Special Mention, Biochemical Tests, MRI Scan (1.5T, 3T), PET Scan (FDG, Amyloid (PIB, BF227)) |
Controlled-access |
2016/1/29 |
2. |
List of Downloadable Files |
Unrestricted-access |
2016/1/29 |
3. |
Data Dictionary(Description of each field in table data) |
Unrestricted-access |
2016/1/29 |
4. |
Quality Control Procedures for MRI |
Unrestricted-access |
2016/1/29 |
5. |
Quality Control Procedures for PET |
Unrestricted-access |
2016/1/29 |
* Restrictions on data use:NBDC policy
*Data users need to apply an application for Using NBDC Human Data to reach the Controlled-access Data. Learn more
* There is a special mention on a small portion of participants. Please make sure of it before use. Records of the participants are marked for attention in the "s.m." column of table data.
* When the research results including the data which were downloaded from NHA/DRA, are published or presented somewhere, the data user must refer the papers which are related to the data, or include in the acknowledgment. Learn more
* Citation on publication for scientific papers using J-ADNI data.
Data Summary
Dataset ID: JGAD000051 (288 GB)
1.Clinical and Psychometric Tests
CRF Name | CRF Description | File Name | File Format(Extension) | ZIP File Name |
ADAS*1 | ADAS-Cognitive Behavior | ADAS_J-ADNI.tsv | Tab Separated Variables (.tsv) | JADNI_cognitive.zip |
ADASSCORES | ADAS Sub-Scores and Total Scores | ADASSCORES_J-ADNI.tsv | Tab Separated Variables (.tsv) | JADNI_cognitive.zip |
ADSXLIST | Diagnosis and Symptoms Checklist | ADSXLIST_J-ADNI.tsv | Tab Separated Variables (.tsv) | JADNI_cognitive.zip |
ARM | Diagnosis/Scan Category Assignment | ARM_J-ADNI.tsv | Tab Separated Variables (.tsv) | JADNI_cognitive.zip |
BLCHANGE | Diagnostic Summary - Baseline Changes | BLCHANGE_J-ADNI.tsv | Tab Separated Variables (.tsv) | JADNI_cognitive.zip |
BLSCHECK | Baseline Symptoms Checklist | BLSCHECK_J-ADNI.tsv | Tab Separated Variables (.tsv) | JADNI_cognitive.zip |
CDR*2 | Clinical Dementia Rating | CDR_J-ADNI.tsv | Tab Separated Variables (.tsv) | JADNI_cognitive.zip |
CONVERSIONS | Conversions Confirmed by Conversion Committee | CONVERSIONS_J-ADNI.tsv | Tab Separated Variables (.tsv) | JADNI_cognitive.zip |
EXCLUSIO | Exclusion Criteria | EXCLUSIO_J-ADNI.tsv | Tab Separated Variables (.tsv) | JADNI_cognitive.zip |
FAQ*3 | Functional Assessment Questionnaire | FAQ_J-ADNI.tsv | Tab Separated Variables (.tsv) | JADNI_cognitive.zip |
FHQ | Family History Questionnaire | FHQ_J-ADNI.tsv | Tab Separated Variables (.tsv) | JADNI_cognitive.zip |
GDSCALE*4 | Geriatric Depression Scale | GDSCALE_J-ADNI.tsv | Tab Separated Variables (.tsv) | JADNI_cognitive.zip |
INCLUSIO | Inclusion Criteria | INCLUSIO_J-ADNI.tsv | Tab Separated Variables (.tsv) | JADNI_cognitive.zip |
MEDHIST | Medical History | MEDHIST_J-ADNI.tsv | Tab Separated Variables (.tsv) | JADNI_cognitive.zip |
MMSE*5 | Mini Mental State Exam | MMSE_J-ADNI.tsv | Tab Separated Variables (.tsv) | JADNI_cognitive.zip |
MODHACH*6 | Modified Hachinski | MODHACH_J-ADNI.tsv | Tab Separated Variables (.tsv) | JADNI_cognitive.zip |
NEUROBAT | Neuropsychological Battery | NeuroBAT_J-ADNI.tsv | Tab Separated Variables (.tsv) | JADNI_cognitive.zip |
NEUROEXM | Neurological Exam | NEUROEXM_J-ADNI.tsv | Tab Separated Variables (.tsv) | JADNI_cognitive.zip |
NPIQ*7 | Neuropsychiatric Inventory Q | NPIQ_J-ADNI.tsv | Tab Separated Variables (.tsv) | JADNI_cognitive.zip |
PDXCONV | Diagnostic Summary | PDXCONV_J-ADNI.tsv | Tab Separated Variables (.tsv) | JADNI_cognitive.zip |
PHYSICAL | Physical Exam | PHYSICAL_J-ADNI.tsv | Tab Separated Variables (.tsv) | JADNI_cognitive.zip |
PTDEMOG | Participant Demographic Information | PTDEMOG_J-ADNI.tsv | Tab Separated Variables (.tsv) | JADNI_cognitive.zip |
RECFHQ | Family History Questionnaire Subtable | RECFHQ_J-ADNI.tsv | Tab Separated Variables (.tsv) | JADNI_cognitive.zip |
REGISTRY | Registry | REGISTRY_J-ADNI.tsv | Tab Separated Variables (.tsv) | JADNI_cognitive.zip |
TREATDIS | Early Discontinuation and Withdrawal | TREATDIS_J-ADNI.tsv | Tab Separated Variables (.tsv) | JADNI_cognitive.zip |
VITALS | Vital Signs | VITALS_J-ADNI.tsv | Tab Separated Variables (.tsv) | JADNI_cognitive.zip |
※1:Rosen WG, Mohs RC, Davis KL. A new rating scale for Alzheimer's disease. The American Journal of Psychiatry. 1984;141(11):1356–1364. PMID 6496779
※2:Hughes CP, Berg L, Danziger WL, Coben LA, Martin RL. A new clinical scale for the staging of dementia. Br J Psychiatry. 1982 Jun;140:566-72. PMID 7104545
※3:Pfeffer RI, Kurosaki TT, Harrah CH, Chance JM, Filos S. Measurement of functional activities in older adults in the community. J Gerontol. 1982;37:323–329. PMID 7069156
※4:Yesavage JA, Brink TL, Rose TL, et al. Development and validation of a geriatric depression screening scale: a preliminary report. J Psychiatr Res. 1982-83;17(1):37-49. PMID 7183759
※5:Folstein, MF; Folstein, SE; McHugh, PR (1975). ""Mini-mental state". A practical method for grading the cognitive state of patients for the clinician". Journal of Psychiatric Research 12 (3): 189–98. PMID 1202204
※6:Hachinski VC. Multi-infarct dementia: a cause of mental deterioration in the elderly. Lancet. 1974;2:207–9. PMID 4135618
※7:Cummings, J., Mega, M., Gray, K., Rosenberg-Thompson, S., Carusi, D. A., & Gornbein, J. (1994). The Neuropsychiatric Inventory: Comprehensive assessment of psychopathology in dementia. Neurology, 44, 2308-2314. PMID 7991117
2.Special Mention
Contents | File Name | File Format(Extension) |
Multidomain Amnestic MCI | SpecialMention.xlsx | Microsoft Excel (.xlsx) |
Exceptional Enrollement | SpecialMention.xlsx | Microsoft Excel (.xlsx) |
Delayed Interval for LMII | SpecialMention.xlsx | Microsoft Excel (.xlsx) |
Exceptional Use of Prohibited Drugs | SpecialMention.xlsx | Microsoft Excel (.xlsx) |
Cases Converted Twice | SpecialMention.xlsx | Microsoft Excel (.xlsx) |
Additional Comments on Consent | SpecialMention.xlsx | Microsoft Excel (.xlsx) |
3.Biochemical Tests
CRF Name | CRF Description | File Name | File Format(Extension) | ZIP File Name |
APOE | ApoE Genotyping | APOE_J-ADNI.tsv | Tab Separated Variables (.tsv) | JADNI_biochemical.zip |
BLOOD | Perpheral Blood | BLOOD_J-ADNI.tsv | Tab Separated Variables (.tsv) | JADNI_biochemical.zip |
BLOOD_EXAMITEM | Explanation and Normal Values of Examination Item in BLOOD | BLOOD_EXAMITEM_J-ADNI.tsv | Tab Separated Variables (.tsv) | JADNI_biochemical.zip |
CSF | Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF) | CSF_J-ADNI.tsv | Tab Separated Variables (.tsv) | JADNI_biochemical.zip |
4.MRI scan (1.5T, 3T)
4.1 Quality Control
CRF Name | CRF Description | File Name | File Format(Extension) | ZIP File Name |
MRIQC | MRI Scan Information | MRIQC-J-ADNI.tsv | Tab Separated Variables (.tsv) | JADNI_mriqc.zip |
※ See J-ADNI_MRIQC_Ver1.1.pdf and MRI Scanner list for MRI quality control procedures
4.2 MRI Images
FreeSurfer version 5.1 was used for analysis.
Directory Name | Description | File Name | File Format(Extension) | ZIP File Name |
Original | Raw MRI Images obtained from MRI Scanners | See File_list_J-ADNI.pdf | Neuroimaging Informatics Technology Initiative (NIfTI) image file format (.nii) | JADNI####_mri.zip |
DistortionCorrected | Distortion in the raw MRI Image was corrected by using methods developed in J-ADNI project | See File_list_J-ADNI.pdf | Neuroimaging Informatics Technology Initiative (NIfTI) image file format (.nii) | JADNI####_mri.zip |
4.3 FreeSurfer Analysis
Analysis Description | File Name | File Format(Extension) | ZIP File Name |
Subcortical Segmentation containing the Volumes of Specific Structures | aseg.stats | Tab Separated Variables | JADNI_freesurfer.zip |
Cortical Parcellation containing Thickness of Specific Structures based on Destrieux Atlas | lh.aparc.a2009s.stats(Left Hemisphere) rh.aparc.a2009s.stats(Right Hemisphere) |
Tab Separated Variables | JADNI_freesurfer.zip |
Cortical Parcellation containing Thickness of Specific Structures based on Desikan-Killiany Atlas | lh.aparc.stats(Left Hemisphere) rh.aparc.stats(Right Hemisphere) |
Tab Separated Variables | JADNI_freesurfer.zip |
Cortical Parcellation containing Thickness of Specific Structures based on Broadman Area Map | llh.BA.stats(Left Hemisphere) rh.BA.stats(Right Hemisphere) |
Tab Separated Variables | JADNI_freesurfer.zip |
Cortical Parcellation containing Curvature for Cortical Thickness | lh.curv.stats(Left Hemisphere) rh.curv.stats(Right Hemisphere) |
Tab Separated Variables | JADNI_freesurfer.zip |
Cortical Parcellation containing Thickness of Entorhinal Cortex | lh.entorhinal_exvivo.stats(Left Hemisphere) rh.entorhinal_exvivo.stats(Right Hemisphere) |
Tab Separated Variables | JADNI_freesurfer.zip |
Subcortical Segmentation containing White Matter Parcellation Volumes | wmparc.stats | Tab Separated Variables | JADNI_freesurfer.zip |
5. PET Scan (FDG and Amyloid (PIB, BF227))
The FDG PET images were pre-processed with step 3, "CO-REG, AVG, STANDARDIZED IMAGE AND VOXEL SIZE" of the ADNI protocol.
See https://adni.loni.usc.edu/methods/pet-analysis-method/pet-analysis/ for details.
5.1 Quality Control
CRF Name | CRF Description | File Name | File Format(Extension) | ZIP File Name |
PETQC | PET Scan Information | PETQC-J-ADNI.tsv | Tab Separated Variables (.tsv) | JADNI_petpc.zip |
※ See J-ADNI_PETQC_Ver1.1.pdf and PET Scanner list for PET quality control procedures.
5.2 PET Images
Description | File Name | File Format(Extension) | ZIP File Name |
PET Images(Post-processed) | See File_list_J-ADNI.pdf | Analyze image file format (.hdr/.img) | JADNI####_pet.zip |
Principal Investigator: Takeshi Iwatsubo
Affiliation: Department of Neuropathology, Graduate School of Medicine, the University of Tokyo
Project / Group Name: Japanese Alzheimer's disease neuroimaging initiative (J-ADNI) (List of Authors, Citation Information)
Funds / Grants (Research Project Number):
Name | Title | Project Number |
New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization of Japan (NEDO) Translational Research Promotion Project |
Research Project for the Development of a Systematic Method for the Assessment of Alzheimer's Disease | 20100000001577 |
Health Labour Sciences Research Grant Research on Dementia |
Multisite longitudinal study for the evaluation of clinical manifestation and progression of Alzheimer disease: J-ADNI core study | H19-Dementia Research-024 |
Health Labour Sciences Research Grant Research on Dementia |
J-ADNI core study: analysis and application of imaging biomarkers and establishment of clinical study network | H22-Dementia Research-009 |
Life Science Database Integration Project (Database Integration Coordination Program) of Japan Science and Technology Agency |
Study on integration of the human brain related diseases imaging data |
None |
Title | DOI | Dataset ID | |
1 | Japanese and North American Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative studies: Harmonization for international trials. | doi: 10.1016/j.jalz.2018.03.009 | JGAD000051 |
USERS (Controlled-access Data)
Principal Investigator | Affiliation | Country/Region | Research Title | Data in Use (Dataset ID) | Period of Data Use |
Michael C Donohue | University of Southern California, Alzheimers Therapeutic Research Institute | JGAD000051 | 2016/03/30-2017/12/31 | ||
Ryuichi Takahashi | Hyogo Prefectural Rehabilitation Hospital at Nishi-Harima, Department of Neurology | JGAD000051 | 2016/04/27-2018/02/28 | ||
Kenji Ishii | Tokyo Metropolitan Geriatric Hospital and Institute of Gerontology, Neuroimaging Research Team | JGAD000051 | 2016/05/02-2019/03/31 | ||
Hiroshi Matsuda | National Center of Neurology and Psychiatry, Integrative Brain Imaging Center | JGAD000051 | 2016/06/01-2020/03/31 | ||
Weining Robieson | AbbVie | JGAD000051 | 2016/08/04-2022/06/15 | ||
Michio Senda | Division of Molecular Imaging, Institute of Biomedical Research and Innovation | JGAD000051 | 2016/08/04-2020/03/31 | ||
Ken Aoshima | hhc Data Creation Center, Eisai Co., Ltd. | JGAD000051 | 2016/10/01-2019/03/31 | ||
Takashi Kato | Department of Radiology, National Center for Geriatrics and Gerontology | JGAD000051 | 2016/10/14-2022/03/31 | ||
Masashi Kikuchi | MSD K.K. Japan Development Clinical Research Neuroscience Group | Omics research for dementia based on clinical and genome data | JGAD000051 | 2016/10/12-2020/03/31 | |
Hiroshi Suzuki | Department of Pharmacy, The University of Tokyo Hospital | JGAD000051 | 2017/01/11-2021/12/18 | ||
Masayasu Okochi | Department of Psychiatry, Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine | JGAD000051 | 2017/02/02-2021/12/10 | ||
Joyce Suhy | Bioclinica, Inc. | JGAD000051 | 2017/04/04-2019/11/21 | ||
Toshiharu Suzuki | Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Hokkaido University | JGAD000051 | 2017/05/02-2021/03/31 | ||
Danielle Harvey | UC Davis, Division of Biostatistics | JGAD000051 | 2017/05/02-2020/04/14 | ||
Jae-Won Jang | Department of Neurology, Kangwon National University Hospital | JGAD000051 | 2017/05/02-2017/10/13 | ||
Masayuki Sasaki | Department of Health Sciences, Graduate School of Medical Sciences, Kyushu University | JGAD000051 | 2017/06/21-2022/03/31 | ||
Akihiko Shiino | Molecular Neuroscience Research Center, Shiga University of Medical Science | JGAD000051 | 2017/06/30-2018/05/31 | ||
Kiyoto Kasai | Department of Neuropsychiatry, the University of Tokyo Hospital | JGAD000051 | 2017/07/19-2020/11/28 | ||
Yuanzhong Li | Imaging Technology Center, FUJIFILM Corpration | JGAD000051 | 2017/09/05-2022/05/31 | ||
Atsushi Iwata | Department of Neurology, the University of Tokyo Hospital | JGAD000051 | 2017/09/21-2022/03/31 | ||
Tosimasa Yamamoto | Saitama Medical University Neurology | JGAD000051 | 2017/09/14-2020/09/01 | ||
Kazushi Suzuki | Unit for early and exploratory development, the University of Tokyo Hospital | JGAD000051 | 2017/10/11-2022/06/30 | ||
Tsukasa Funane | Hitachi, Ltd., Research & Development Group, Center for Exploratory Research | JGAD000051 | 2017/12/11-2020/03/31 | ||
Tadanori Fukami | Graduate school of science and engineering, Yamagata University | JGAD000051 | 2017/12/26-2020/03/31 | ||
Shuhei Yamaguchi | Department of Internal Medicine III, Faculty of Medicine, Shimane University | JGAD000051 | 2018/01/09-2022/03/31 | ||
Manabu Ishida | ERISA Co., Ltd. | JGAD000051 | 2018/01/09-2022/03/31 | ||
Tetsutaro Ono |
Dai Nippon Printing Co., Ltd. Communication & Information Center / Information Innovation Operations |
JGAD000051 | 2018/04/20-2022/03/31 | ||
Sayuri Watanabe | Janssen pharmaceutical K.K, R&D, Clinical science division | JGAD000051 | 2018/06/07-2023/05/01 | ||
Eric Westman | Karolinska Institutet, NVS Department, Division of Clinical Geriatris | JGAD000051 | 2018/09/11-2021/09/01 | ||
Nancy Maserijian | Biogen | JGAD000051 | 2018/10/04-2021/12/31 | ||
Masataka Kikuchi | Department of Computational Biology and Medical Sciences, Graduate School of Frontier Science, The University of Tokyo | Japan | Omics research for dementia based on clinical and genome data | JGAD000051 | 2019/01/21-2027/06/30 |
Chiristian Nunez | Parc Sanitari Sant Joan de Déu, Research Unit | JGAD000051 | 2019/03/13-2019/12/31 | ||
Naoki Tomita | Geriatric medicine and neuroimaging, Tohoku university hospital | JGAD000051 | 2019/06/06-2023/03/31 | ||
Akira Suda | Department of Psychiatry, Yokohama City University Hospital | Retrospective investigation on relationship between immunological biomarkers and clinical findings of Alzheimer's disease | JGAD000051 | 2020/01/09-2024/03/31 | |
Hisatomo Kowa | Division of Cognitive and Psychiatric Rehabilitation, Dept of Rehabilitation Science, Kobe University Graduate School of Health Sciences | Optimizing Evaluation Method for Cognitive Function of Aged People Based on the J-ADNI Database | JGAD000051 | 2020/01/15-2021/12/31 | |
Martin Hofmann-Apitius | Department for Bioinformatics, Fraunhofer Institute for Algorithms and Scientific Computing SCAI | The Virtual Brain - Cloud (Personalized Recommendations for Neurodegenerative Diseases) | JGAD000051 | 2020/03/11-2022/10/31 | |
Akinori Miyashita | Department of Molecular Genetics, Brain Research Institute, Niigata University | Study on dementia with large-scare omics data | JGAD000051 | 2020/06/04-2023/01/23 | |
Colin L Masters | AIBL, The Florey Institute, The University of Melbourne | The Australian Imaging and Biomarker Study (AIBL) Flagship Study of Ageing | JGAD000051 | 2020/09/22-2022/06/14 | |
Pieter Jelle Visser | Maastricht University, Department of Psychiatry and Neuropsychology, and VU University Medical Centre, Department of Neurology | Amyloid Biomarker Study | JGAD000051 | 2020/11/09-2024/05/01 | |
Akihiro Hirakawa | Clinical Research Center, Medical Hospital, Tokyo Medical and Dental University | Development and validation of disease progression prediction model in Alzheimer’s disease using cognitive assessment data | JGAD000051 | 2020/11/16-2025/03/31 | |
Masahiko Takemura | Open Health Initiative | Developing and validating models that predict cognitive decline | JGAD000051 | 2021/05/06-2024/02/29 | |
Junko Hara | EMBIC Research & Development | Developing Hierarchical Bayesian Cognitive Processing Models for Description, Group Differentiation, and Prediction with Wordlist Memory Test | JGAD000051 | 2021/05/20-2022/06/30 | |
Hieab Adams | Clinical Genetics, Erasmus MC | Uncovering Neurodegenerative Insights Through Ethnic Diversity | JGAD000051 | 2021/05/24-2024/04/11 | |
Tadanori Fukami | Graduate school of science and engineering, Yamagata University | Longitudinal analysis for J-ADNI database by MRI/PET image fusion | JGAD000051 | 2021/06/18-2026/03/31 | |
Kazushi Suzuki | National Defense Medical College | Natural history study of neurodegenerative diseases using clinical research data | JGAD000051 | 2021/08/10-2026/03/31 | |
Hiroki Masuda | Department of Neurology, Graduate School of Medicine, Chiba University | Analysis of the longitudinal brain atrophy and cognitive function in patients with multiple sclesosis and neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorder. | JGAD000051 | 2021/11/19-2023/03/31 | |
Yoon Seong Choi | Yonsei University College of Medicine | A deep learning model for Alzheimer disease based on 18F-FDG=PET: prognostication of mild cognitive impairment | JGAD000051 | 2021/12/21-2022/12/05 | |
Kaoru Sakatani | AICOG Labo, Iko Health Technologies | Study on the risk prediction of dementia by analyzing the Human Database: J-ADNI | JGAD000051 | 2022/02/18-2025/03/31 | |
Qian Gao | Cytox Group Head of Genetics and Bioinformatics (Research and Development) | Proposed project title: Evaluation of the performance of genoSCORE for predicting onset of Alzheimer’s disease in a Japanese population | JGAD000051 | 2022/03/08-2023/01/27 | |
Christian Wachinger | Artificial Intelligence in Radiology Department of Radiology, Technical University of Munich | Replication of neural network predictions on independent test data | JGAD000051 | 2022/03/28-2026/12/31 | |
Gregor Kuhlenbaeumer | The University Medical Center Schleswig-Holstein | Conducting a genome-wide association study investigating antibody-mediated encephalitides. | JGAD000051 | 2022/04/07-2025/02/11 | |
Marcus Makowski | Technical University of Munich | Replication of neural network predictions on independent test data | JGAD000051 | 2022/03/25-2023/12/31 | |
Ting-Wei Weng | Translational Imaging Research Center, Taipei Medical University | Taiwan | Building a national model of data hub for healthy aging | JGAD000051 | 2022/05/16-2022/06/17 |
Sandra Black | LC Campbell Cognitive Neurology Research Unit, Sunnybrook Research Institute | Canada | Comparative study on the longitudinal changes in cerebral small vessel disease between Japanese and Western country populations | JGAD000051 | 2022/07/09-2025/03/31 |
Tatsuya Ando | Computational Biology, Research, Takeda Pharmaceutical Company Limited | Japan | Development of machine learning prediction model for detecting neurodegenerative diseases using J-ADNI human brain image data | JGAD000051 | 2022/09/19-2025/05/31 |
Fan Yi | Zhejiang University College of Computer Science and Technology | China | Research on the analysis method of chronic disease evolution process based on data mining of electronic medical records | JGAD000051 | 2022/11/22-2023/12/31 |
Chengan Guo | School of Information and Communication Engineering, Dalian University of Technology | China | Research on early diagnoses for Alzheimer's disease and mild cognitive impairment based on deep learning | JGAD000051 | 2023/06/12-2023/08/31 |
Sreevani Katabathula | Case Western Reserve University | United States of America | Subtype Analysis in Mild cognitive impairment of Alzheimer’s disease | JGAD000051 | 2023/08/09-2024/08/01 |
Mikihiro Yasuda | Kwansei Gakuin University | Japan | Construction of a method for analyzing brain networks based on fMRI data | JGAD000051 | 2023/08/25-2025/03/31 |
Shahrum Shah Abdullah | Department of Electronic Systems Engineering, Malaysia-Japan International Institute of Technology | Malaysia | Diagnosing Alzheimer’s Disease in a Japanese Population Using Deep Learning Approach | JGAD000051 | 2023/12/26-2024/10/17 |
Dittapong Songsaeng | Department of Radiology, Siriraj Hospital | Thailand | Technical, clinical validation and diagnostic accuracy of artificial intelligence (AI) based quantitative structural MRI application for dementia diagnosis in Thai population | JGAD000051 | 2024/01/25-2024/07/09 |
Mongkol Ekpanyapong | AI Center, Asian Institute of Technology (AIT) | Thailand | Technical, clinical validation and diagnostic accuracy of artificial intelligence (AI) based quantitative structural MRI application for dementia diagnosis in Thai population | JGAD000051 | 2024/01/25-2024/07/09 |
Buckley Rachel | Massachusetts General Hospital | United States of America | Building predictive algorithms to identify resilience and resistance to Alzheimer’s disease | JGAD000051 | 2024/02/15-2024/08/19 |
Katsumi Aoyagi | Research and Development Division, Fujirebio Inc. | Japan | Diagnostic Potential of Dementia Biomarkers in Japanese Clinical Cases | JGAD000051 | 2024/09/03-2025/08/31 |
Yasuyuki Taki | Department of Aging Research & Geriatric Medicine, Institute of Development, Aging and Cancer, Tohoku University | Japan | Verification of the effects of moderate-intensity exercise using IoT devices on general clinical symptoms and cognitive function, with a comparison to existing cohort data | JGAD000051 | 2025/01/27-2027/03/31 |