NBDC Research ID: hum0014.v8

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Aims: Identify disease-related genes in Japanese

Methods: Genomic DNA samples were genotyped by following methods: Human610-Quad BeadChip, HumanHap550v3 Genotyping BeadChip, HumanOmniExpress-12 BeadChip, HumanExome BeadChip, OmniExpressExome BeadChip (Illumina), high-density oligonucleotide arrays (Perlegen Sciences), or Invader (Hologic Japan). Genome-Wide Association Studies (GWAS) for myocardial infarction (MI) , type II diabetes mellitus (T2DM), Atopic dermatitis (AD), atrial fibrillation (AF), and Body Mass Index (BMI), primary open-angle glaucoma (POAG) and 58 quantitative traits were performed using about 500-600K SNPs.

Participants/Materials: Participants for the Tailor-made Medical Treatment Program (BioBank Japan: BBJ)

URL: https://biobankjp.org/cohort_3rd/english/index.html


Data Set IDType of DataCriteriaRelease Date
hum0014.v1.freq.v1 GWAS for MI Un-restricted Access 2014/09/30

Genotype frequencies in 934 healthy individuals

(JSNP data)

Un-restricted Access 2015/12/28
35 Dieases

Genotype frequencies in each disease

(JSNP data)

Un-restricted Access 2015/12/28

Genotype frequencies in 182 esophageal cancer patients

(JSNP data)

Un-restricted Access 2015/12/28

Genotype frequencies in 92 amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) patients

(JSNP data)

Un-restricted Access 2015/12/28
hum0014.v3.T2DM-1.v1 GWAS for T2DM [1] Un-restricted Access 2016/01/28
hum0014.v3.T2DM-2.v1 GWAS for T2DM [2] Un-restricted Access 2016/01/28
hum0014.v4.AD.v1 GWAS for AD Un-restricted Access 2016/02/02
hum0014.v5.AF.v1 GWAS for AF Un-restricted Access 2017/05/18
JGAS000101 Genotype and phenotype data for 8180 AF patients Controlled Access (Type I) 2017/05/18
hum0014.v6.158k.v1 GWAS for BMI Un-restricted Access 2017/09/08

BMI data for 158,284 individuals

Genotype data for 182,505 individuals

Controlled Access (Type I) 2017/09/08
hum0014.v7.POAG.v1 GWAS for POAG Un-restricted Access 2018/04/04
hum0014.v8.58qt.v1 GWAS for 58 quantitative traits Un-restricted Access 2018/05/01
JGAS000114 58 quantitative traits data for 162,255 individuals Controlled Access (Type I) 2018/05/01

* Release Note

* Data users need to apply the Form 2 (Application Form for Using NBDC Human Data) to reach the Controlled Access Data. Learn more

* When the research results including the data which were downloaded from NHA/DRA, are published or presented somewhere, the data user must refer the papers which are related to the data, or include in the acknowledgment. Learn more




Participants/Materials 1666 MI patients and 3198 controls
Targets genome wide SNVs
Target Loci for Capture Methods -
Platform Illumina [Human610-Quad BeadChip, HumanHap550v3 Genotyping BeadChip]
Source gDNA extracted from peripheral blood cells
Cell Lines -
Reagents (Kit, Version) Illumina Human610-Quad Beadchip
Genotype Call Methods (software) GenCall software (GenomeStudio)
Filtering Methods sample call rate ≧ 0.98, SNP call rate ≧ 0.99, HWE P ≧ 1 x 10^-6
Marker Number (after QC) 455,781 SNPs (hg18/GRCh36)
NBDC Data Set ID


(Click the Data Set ID to download the file)

Dictionary file

Total Data Volume 71.3 MB (xlsx)
Comments (Policies) NBDC policy



Participants/Materials 934 Japanese healthy individuals (JSNP)
Targets genome wide SNVs
Target Loci for Capture Methods -
Platform Illumina [HumanHap550v3 Genotyping BeadChip]
Source gDNA extracted from peripheral blood cells
Cell Lines -
Reagents (Kit, Version) Illumina HumanHap550v3 Genotyping BeadChip
Genotype Call Methods (software) GenCall software (GenomeStudio)
Filtering Methods sample call rate < 0.98, SNP call rate < 0.99, HWE P < 1 x 10^-6
Marker Number (after QC) 515,286 SNPs
NBDC Data Set ID


(Click the Data Set ID to download the file)

Dictionary file

Total Data Volume 32.2 M (zip [xls])
Comments (Policies) NBDC policy


35 Diseases (JSNP)


Cancer (Lung cancer, Breast cancer, Gastric cancer, Colorectal cancer, Prostate cancer)

Cardiovascular diseases (Heart failure, Myocardial infarction, Unstable angina, Stable angina, Cardiac arrhythmias, Arteriosclerosis obliterans)

Cerebrovascular disorders (Brain infarction, Intracranial aneurysm)

Respiratory tract diseases (Interstitial pneumonitis & pulmonary fibrosis, Pulmonary emphysema, Bronchial asthma)

Chronic liver diseases (Chronic hepatitis C, Liver cirrhosis)

Eye diseases (Cataract, Glaucoma)

Others (Epilepsy, Periodontal disease, Urolithiasis, Nephrotic syndrome, Uterine myoma, Endometriosis,

Osteoporosis, Rheumatoid arthritis, Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, Hay fever, Atopic dermatitis,

Drug eruptions , Hyperlipidemias, Diabetes mellitus, Basedow disease )


about 190 patients in each disease set

Targets genome wide SNVs
Target Loci for Capture Methods -
Platform Perlegen Sciences [high-density oligonucleotide arrays]
Source gDNA extracted from peripheral blood cells
Cell Lines -
Reagents (Kit, Version) -
Genotype Call Methods (software) -
Filtering Methods -
Marker Number (after QC) About 200,000 SNPs (b129)
NBDC Data Set ID

Cancer (Lung cancer, Breast cancer, Gastric cancer, Colorectal cancer, Prostate cancer)

Cardiovascular diseases (Heart failure, Myocardial infarction, Unstable angina, Stable angina, Cardiac arrhythmias, Arteriosclerosis obliterans)

Cerebrovascular disorders (Brain infarction, Intracranial aneurysm)

Respiratory tract diseases (Interstitial pneumonitis & pulmonary fibrosis, Pulmonary emphysema, Bronchial asthma)

Chronic liver diseases (Chronic hepatitis C, Liver cirrhosis)

Eye diseases (Cataract, Glaucoma)

Others (Epilepsy, Periodontal disease, Urolithiasis, Nephrotic syndrome, Uterine myoma, Endometriosis,

Osteoporosis, Rheumatoid arthritis, Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, Hay fever, Atopic dermatitis,

Drug eruptions, Hyperlipidemias, Diabetes mellitus, Basedow disease)

(Click the disease names to download the file)

Dictionary file

Comments (Policies) NBDC policy

*Chromosomal position of each SNP is based on dbSNP build 129. If you need other mapping information, please contact us.



Participants/Materials 182 esophageal cancer patients (JSNP)
Targets genome wide SNVs
Target Loci for Capture Methods -
Platform Illumina [HumanHap550v3 Genotyping BeadChip]
Source gDNA extracted from peripheral blood cells
Cell Lines -
Reagents (Kit, Version) Illumina HumanHap550v3 Genotyping BeadChip
Genotype Call Methods (software) GenCall software (GenomeStudio)
Filtering Methods sample call rate < 0.98, SNP call rate < 0.99, HWE P < 1 x 10^-6
Marker Number (after QC) 503,734 SNPs
NBDC Data Set ID


(Click the Data Set ID to download the file)

Dictionary file

Total Data Volume 6.6 MB (zip [txt])
Comments (Policies) NBDC policy



Participants/Materials 92 ALS patients (JSNP)
Targets large-scale case-control association study
Target Loci for Capture Methods -
Platform Hologic Japan [Invader]
Source gDNA extracted from peripheral blood cells
Cell Lines -
Reagents (Kit, Version) Invader assay system (Third Wave Technologies)
Genotype Call Methods (software) ABI PRISM SDS versions 2.0 - 2.2
Filtering Methods SNP call rate ≥ 0.95, HWE P ≥1.0 x 10^-2
Marker Number (after QC) 48,939 SNPs
NBDC Data Set ID


(Click the Data Set ID to download the file)

Dictionary file

Total Data Volume 3.2 MB (zip [txt])
Comments (Policies) NBDC policy




9817 T2DM patients

6763 controls (healthy individuals and patients with Intracranial aneurysm, Esophageal cancer, Uterine cancer, Pulmonary emphysema, or Glaucoma [without T2DM])

Targets genome wide SNVs
Target Loci for Capture Methods -
Platform Illumina [OmniExpressExome Beadchip]
Source gDNA extracted from peripheral blood cells
Cell Lines -
Reagents (Kit, Version) Illumina OmniExpressExome Beadchip kit
Genotype Call Methods (software) GenCall software (GenomeStudio)
Filtering Methods sample call rate < 0.98, SNP call rate < 0.99, MAF < 0.01, HWE P < 1 x 10^-6 in control
Marker Number (after QC) 552,915 SNPs (hg19)
NBDC Data Set ID


(Click the Data Set ID to download the file)

Dictionary file

Total Data Volume 84.0 MB (xlsx)
Comments (Policies) NBDC policy




5646 T2DM patients

19,420 controls (patients with Colorectal cancer, Breast cancer, Prostate cancer, Lung cancer, Gastric cancer,

Arteriosclerosis obliterans, Cardiac arrhythmias, Brain infarction, Myocardial infarction, Gallbladder cancer and Cholangiocarcinoma, Pancreatic cancer, Drug eruptions,

Rheumatoid arthritis, Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, Liver cancer, Liver cirrhosis, Osteoporosis, or Uterine myoma [without T2DM])

Targets genome wide SNVs
Target Loci for Capture Methods -
Platform Illumina [Human610-Quad BeadChip]
Source gDNA extracted from peripheral blood cells
Cell Lines -
Reagents (Kit, Version) Illumina Human610-Quad Beadchip kit
Genotype Call Methods (software) GenCall software (GenomeStudio)
Filtering Methods sample call rate < 0.98, SNP call rate < 0.99, MAF < 0.01, HWE P < 1 x 10^-6 in control
Marker Number (after QC) 479,088 SNPs (hg18)
NBDC Data Set ID


(Click the Data Set ID to download the file)

Dictionary file

Total Data Volume 72.6 MB (xlsx)
Comments (Policies) NBDC policy




1472 AD patients

7966 controls (healthy individuals and patients with Intracranial aneurysm, Esophageal cancer,

         Uterine cancer, Pulmonary emphysema, or Glaucoma [without AD and Bronchial asthma])

Targets genome wide SNVs
Target Loci for Capture Methods -
Platform Illumina [HumanOmniExpress BeadChip]
Source gDNA extracted from peripheral blood cells
Cell Lines -
Reagents (Kit, Version) HumanOmniExpress BeadChip
Genotype Call Methods (software)

minimac [imputation (1000 genomes Phase I v3)]

Association Analysis (software) mach2dat [GWAS]
Filtering Methods

Genotyping QC: sample call rate < 0.98, SNV call rate < 0.99,

                           HWE P < 1 x 10^-6 in the control samples

Imputation QC: HWE P < 1 x 10^-6 or MAF < 0.01 in the reference panel

                         Differences of MAF between the GWAS dataset and the reference panel > 0.16

Marker Number (after QC) About 7,700,000 SNPs (hg19)
NBDC Data Set ID


(Click the Data Set ID to download the file)

Dictionary file

Total Data Volume

ADGWAS_auto.txt (525 MB)

ADGWAS_X_females.txt (17 MB)

ADGWAS_X_males.txt (15 MB)

Comments (Policies) NBDC policy


JGAS000101 / hum0014.v5.AF.v1


8180 atrial fibrillation patients (ICD10: I48) and 28,612 controls

Targets genome wide SNVs
Target Loci for Capture Methods -
Platform Illumina [HumanOmniExpress / HumanExome / OmniExpressExome BeadChip]
Source DNA extracted from peripheral blood cells
Cell Lines -
Reagents (Kit, Version) HumanOmniExpress / HumanExome / OmniExpressExome BeadChip kit
Genotype Call Methods (software)

minimac [imputation (1000 genomes Phase I v3)]

GenCall software(GenomeStudio)

Association Analysis (software) mach2dat [GWAS]
Filtering Methods

Genotyping QC: sample call rate < 0.98, SNV call rate < 0.99,

                           HWE P < 1 x 10^-6 in the control samples

Imputation QC: HWE P < 1 x 10^-6 or MAF < 0.01 in the reference panel

                         Differences of MAF between the GWAS dataset and the reference panel > 0.16

                         R square < 0.9

Marker Number (after QC) About 5,000,000 SNVs
Phenotype Data Gender, Age

NBDC Data Set ID /

Japanese Genotype-phenotype

Archive Data set ID

[GWAS stats]


(Click the Data Set ID to download the file)

Dictionary file

[Individual data sets]

Phenotype: JGAD000101

Genotype: JGAD000102

Total Data Volume

GWAS: 473 MB (txt)

Individual phenotype-genotype data: 1 GB (txt)

Comments (Policies) NBDC policy


JGAS000114 / hum0014.v6.158k.v1

Participants/Materials 182,505 individuals (158,284 individuals for BMI study)
Targets genome wide SNVs
Target Loci for Capture Methods -
Platform Illumina [HumanOmniExpress / HumanExome / OmniExpressExome BeadChip]
Source DNA extracted from peripheral blood cells
Cell Lines -
Reagents (Kit, Version) HumanOmniExpress / HumanExome / OmniExpressExome BeadChip kit
Genotype Call Methods (software)

minimac [imputation (1000 genomes Phase I v3)]

GenCall software (GenomeStudio)

Association Analysis (software) mach2qtl (v1.1.3)
Filtering Methods

Genotyping QC: sample call rate < 0.98, SNV call rate < 0.99, HWE P < 1 x 10^-6

QC for reference panel:

After excluding 11 closely related individuals, variants with HWE P < 1.0 x 10^-6, MAF < 0.01 were excluded.

QC after imputation:

Variants with imputation quality of Rsq < 0.7 were excluded.

Marker Number (after QC) About 6,000,000 and 150,000 SNVs on autosomes and X-chromosome, respectively.

NBDC Data Set ID /

Japanese Genotype-phenotype

Archive Data set ID



(Click the Data Set ID to download the file)

Dictionary file

[Individual data sets]

Phenotype data (BMI): JGAD000124

Genotype data: JGAD000123

Detailed information on genotyping array

Probe information (BLAST)

Total Data Volume

GWAS: 406 MB (zip)

Phenotype data (BMI): 3.32 MB (txt.gz)

Genotype data: 26.3GB (csv.gz)

Comments (Policies) NBDC policy




3980 POAG patients (ICD10: H401) (Male: 1,997, Female: 1,983)

18,815 controls (Male: 7,817, Female: 10,998)

Targets genome wide SNVs
Target Loci for Capture Methods -
Platform Illumina [HumanOmniExpress / HumanExome / OmniExpressExome BeadChip]
Source gDNA extracted from peripheral blood cells
Cell Lines -
Reagents (Kit, Version) HumanOmniExpress / HumanExome / OmniExpressExome BeadChip kit
Genotype Call Methods (software)

minimac(ver. 0.1.1) [imputation (1000 genomes Phase I v3)]

Association Analysis (software) mach2dat(ver. 1.0.19)
Filtering Methods

Genotyping QC: sample call rate < 0.98, SNV call rate < 0.99, HWE P < 1 x 10^-6

QC for reference panel: After excluding 11 closely related individuals, variants with HWE P < 1.0 x 10^-6, MAF < 0.01 were excluded.

QC after imputation: Variants with imputation quality of Rsq < 0.7 were excluded. We also excluded variants with |beta| > 4 in the uploaded files.

Marker Number (after QC)

autosomes:5,961,428 SNPs(hg19)

male X-chromosome:147,351 SNPs(hg19)

female X-chromosome:147,353 SNPs(hg19)

NBDC Data Set ID


(Click the Data Set ID to download the file)

Dictionary file

Total Data Volume 113 MB(txt.zip)
Comments (Policies) NBDC policy


JGAS000114 / hum0014.v8.58qt.v1

Participants/Materials 162,255 individuals for 58 quantitative traits
Targets genome wide SNVs
Target Loci for Capture Methods -
Platform Illumina [HumanOmniExpress / HumanExome / OmniExpressExome BeadChip]
Source DNA extracted from peripheral blood cells
Cell Lines -
Reagents (Kit, Version) HumanOmniExpress / HumanExome / OmniExpressExome BeadChip kit
Genotype Call Methods (software)

minimac [imputation (1000 genomes Phase I v3)]

GenCall software (GenomeStudio)

Association Analysis (software) mach2qtl (v1.1.3)
Filtering Methods

Genotyping QC: sample call rate < 0.98, SNV call rate < 0.99, HWE P < 1 x 10^-6

QC for reference panel:

After excluding 11 closely related individuals, variants with HWE P < 1.0 x 10^-6, MAF < 0.01 were excluded.

QC after imputation:

Variants with imputation quality of Rsq < 0.7 were excluded.

Marker Number (after QC) 5,961,600 and 147,353 SNVs on autosomes and X-chromosome, respectively.

NBDC Data Set ID /

Japanese Genotype-phenotype

Archive Data set ID

Metabolic Total cholesterol JGAD000144
High density lipoprotein cholesterol JGAD000145
Low density lipoprotein cholesterol JGAD000146
Triglyceride JGAD000147
Blood sugar JGAD000148
Hemoglobin A1c JGAD000149
Protein Total protein JGAD000150
Albumin JGAD000151
Non-albumin protein JGAD000152
Albumin/globulin ratio JGAD000153
Kidney-related Blood urea nitrogen JGAD000154
Serum creatinine JGAD000155
Estimated glomerular filtration rate JGAD000156
Uric acid JGAD000157
Electrolyte Sodium JGAD000158
Potassium JGAD000159
Chlorine JGAD000160
Calcium JGAD000161
Phosphorus JGAD000162
Liver-related Total bilirubin JGAD000163
Zinc sulfate turbidity test JGAD000164
Aspartate aminotransferase JGAD000165
Alanine aminotransferase JGAD000166
Alkaline phosphatase JGAD000167
Gamma-glutamyl transferase JGAD000168
Other biochemical Activated partial thromboplastin time JGAD000169
Prothrombin time JGAD000170
Fibrinogen JGAD000171
Creatine kinase JGAD000172
Lactate dehydrogenase JGAD000173
C-reactive protein JGAD000174
Hematological White blood cell count JGAD000175
Neutrophil count JGAD000176
Eosinophil count JGAD000177
Basophil count JGAD000178
Monocyte count JGAD000179
Lymphocyte count JGAD000180
Red blood cell count JGAD000181
Hemoglobin JGAD000182
Hematocrit JGAD000183
Mean corpuscular volume JGAD000184
Mean corpuscular hemoglobin JGAD000185
Mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration JGAD000186
Platelet count JGAD000187
Blood pressure Systolic blood pressure JGAD000188
Diastolic blood pressure JGAD000189
Mean arterial pressure JGAD000190
Pulse pressure JGAD000191
Echocardiographic Interventricular septum thickness JGAD000192
Posterior wall thickness JGAD000193
Left ventricular internal dimension in diastole JGAD000194
Left ventricular internal dimension in systole JGAD000195
Left ventricular mass JGAD000196
Left ventricular mass index JGAD000197
Relative wall thickness JGAD000198
Fractional shortening JGAD000199
Ejection fraction JGAD000200
E/A ratio JGAD000201

(Click the trait names to download the gwas summary statistics)

Dictionary file

Total Data Volume

GWAS: 123 MB (zip) on average

Phenotype data (58 quantitative traits): 2.4 MB (txt.gz) on average

Comments (Policies) NBDC policy



Principal Investigator: Michiaki Kubo

Affiliation: RIKEN Center for Integrative Medical Sciences

Project / Group Name: Tailor-made Medical Treatment Program (Bio Bank Japan: BBJ)

URL: https://biobankjp.org/english/index.html

Funds / Grants (Research Project Number) :

NameTitleProject Number
Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology in Japan Tailor-made Medical Treatment Program (the 3rd phase) -



TitleDOIData Set ID
1 A genome-wide association study identifies PLCL2 and AP3D1-DOT1L-SF3A2 as new susceptibility loci for myocardial infarction in Japanese. doi:10.1038/ejhg.2014.110 hum0014.v1.freq.v1
2 A functional variant in ZNF512B is associated with susceptibility to amyotrophic lateral sclerosis in Japanese. doi:10.1093/hmg/ddr268 hum0014.v2.jsnp.92als.v1
3 Functional variants in ADH1B and ALDH2 coupled with alcohol and smoking synergistically enhance esophageal cancer risk. doi: 10.1053/j.gastro.2009.07.070 hum0014.v2.jsnp.182ec.v1
4 SNPs in KCNQ1 are associated with susceptibility to type 2 diabetes in East Asian and European populations. doi: 10.1038/ng.208 T2DM (JSNP)
5 Common variants in a novel gene, FONG on chromosome 2q33.1 confer risk of osteoporosis in Japanese. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0019641 Osteoporosis (JSNP)
6 Genome-wide association studies in the Japanese population identify seven novel loci for type 2 diabetes. doi: 10.1038/ncomms10531



7 Multi-ancestry genome-wide association study of 21,000 cases and 95,000 controls identifies new risk loci for atopic dermatitis. doi: 10.1038/ng.3424 hum0014.v4.AD.v1
8 Genome-wide association study identifies eight new susceptibility loci for atopic dermatitis in the Japanese population. doi: 10.1038/ng.2438 hum0014.v4.AD.v1
9 Identification of six new genetic loci associated with atrial fibrillation in the Japanese population. doi: 10.1038/ng.3842 hum0014.v5.AF.v1
10 Genome-wide association study identifies 112 new loci for body mass index in the Japanese population. doi:10.1038/ng.3951




11 Genome-wide association study identifies seven novel susceptibility loci for primary open-angle glaucoma. doi: 10.1093/hmg/ddy053 hum0014.v7.POAG.v1
12 Genetic analysis of quantitative traits in the Japanese population links cell types to complex human diseases. doi:10.1038/s41588-018-0047-6




USRES (Controlled-Access Data)

Principal Investigator: Affiliation: Data in Use (Data Set ID)Period of Data Use