NBDC Research ID: hum0132.v1



Aims: Identification of genetic alterations in Vietnamese individuals with elevated blood dioxin level

Methods: Whole genome sequencing by HiSeq 2500 (Illumina)

Participants/Materials: Nine trios of the father exposed to dioxin for a few years and his wife and child with mental retardation (total 27 individuals)


Dataset IDType of DataCriteriaRelease Date
JGAS000137 NGS (WGS) Controlled-access (Type I) 2018/09/07

*Release Note

*Data users need to apply an application for Using NBDC Human Data to reach the Controlled-access Data. Learn more




Participants/Materials 9 trios of the father exposed to dioxin and his wife and child with mental retardation (total 27 individuals)
Targets WGS
Target Loci for Capture Methods -
Platform Illumina [HiSeq 2500]
Library Source DNAs extracted from peripheral blood cells
Cell Lines -
Library Construction (kit name) TruSeq Nano DNA Library Preparation Kit
Fragmentation Methods Ultrasonic fragmentation (Covaris)
Spot Type Paired-end
Read Length (without Barcodes, Adaptors, Primers, and Linkers) 101 bp or 93 bp
Japanese Genotype-phenotype Archive Dataset ID JGAD000206
Total Data Volume 1 TB (fastq)
Comments (Policies) NBDC policy



Principal Investigator: Hidewaki Nakagawa

Affiliation: Laboratory of Genome Sequencing Analysis, RIKEN Center for Integrative Medical Sciences

Project / Group Name: Vietnamese trio sequencing project

Funds / Grants (Research Project Number):

NameTitleProject Number
Scientific Program KHCN-33/11-15, the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (Vietnam) Identification of genetic alterations in Vietnamese individuals with elevated blood dioxin level Grant KHCN-33.06/11-15
the Ministry of Science and Technology (Vietnam) Identification of genetic alterations in Vietnamese individuals with elevated blood dioxin level Grant DTDL.CN-05/15



TitleDOIDataset ID
1 Whole genome sequencing and mutation rate analysis of trios with paternal dioxin exposure. doi: 10.1002/humu.23585 JGAD000206


USRES (Controlled-access Data)

Principal Investigator: Affiliation: Data in Use (Dataset ID)Period of Data Use