GWAS summary statistics of 220 deep phenotypes in Japanese.

General information:

Uploaded files

File name Descriptions
GWASsummary_{TRAITNAME} Summary results for autosomal variants
GWASsummary_{TRAITNAME}_Japanese_SakaueKanai2020.chrX.txt.gz Summary results for X-chromosomal variants


Binary traits (disease endpoints and medications)

We provide the output from SAIGE software.
Please also refer to the SAIGE website.

# column name Descriptions
1 v marker name (CHR:POS:REF:ALT)
2 CHR chromosome
3 POS position (hg19)
4 SNPID rsID (if present) or equivalent ID
5 Allele1 REF allele
6 Allele2 ALT allele (This allele is the effect allele.)
7 AC_Allele2 allele count of Allele2 (ALT)
8 AF_Allele2 allele frequency of Allele2 (ALT)
9 imputationInfo RSQ value in imputation
10 N sample size
11 BETA effect size of Allele2
12 SE standard error f BETA
13 Tstat score statistic
14 p.value P value with SPA (suddle point approximation) applied
15 p.value.NA P value when SPA is not applied
16 Is.SPA.converge whether SPA is converged or not
17 varT estimated variance of score statistic with sample related incorporated
18 varTstar variance of score statistic without sample related incorporated
19 AF.Cases allele frequency of Allele2 in cases
20 AF.Controls allele frequency of Allele2 in controls

Quantitative traits (biomarkers)

We provide the output from BOLT software.
Please also refer to the BOLT website.

# column name Descriptions
1 v marker name (CHR:POS:REF:ALT)
2 SNP rsID (if present) or equivalent ID
3 CHR chromosome
4 BP position (hg19)
5 GENPOS genetic position
6 ALLELE1 the effect allele
7 ALLELE0 the other allele
8 A1FREQ the frequency of ALLELE1
9 INFO RSQ value in imputation
10 CHISQ_LINREG chi-squared value in linear regression
11 P_LINREG P value in linear regression
12 BETA effect size from BOLT-LMM approximation to infinitesimal mixed model
13 SE standard error of effect size
14 CHISQ_BOLT_LMM_INF infinitesimal mixed model association test chi-squared value
15 P_BOLT_LMM_INF infinitesimal mixed model association test P value


If you use these summary statistics, please cite the following paper;
Sakaue S and Kanai M et al. A global atlas of genetic associations of 220 deep phenotypes. medRxiv 2020.