NBDC Research ID: hum0314.v1



Aims: The pathophysiology of Alzheimer's disease (AD) remains unclear and is limited to therapeutic approaches such as symptomatic drug intervention and rehabilitation / long-term care services to maintain the patient's quality of life. It has been shown that the genetic background is significantly involved in the development of sporadic AD. Pseudonymized information of the patient's cells and genotypes of them were compared with each other.

Methods: Genotyped with Infinium OmniExpressExome-8 v1.4 BeadChip according to manufacturer instructions

Participants/Materials: 102 patients with sporadic Alzheimer's disease


Dataset IDType of DataCriteriaRelease Date
JGAS000383 SNP array Controlled-access (Type I) 2021/11/19

*Release Note

*Data users need to apply an application for Using NBDC Human Data to reach the Controlled-access Data. Learn more




Participants/Materials sporadic Alzheimer's disease (ICD10: G309, F009): 102 cases
Targets genome wide SNPs
Target Loci for Capture Methods -
Platform Illumina [Infinium OmniExpressExome-8 v1.4 BeadChip]
Library Source DNAs extracted from peripheral blood cells
Cell Lines -
Reagents (Kit, Version) Infinium OmniExpressExome-8 v1.4 BeadChip Kit
Genotype Call Methods (software) GenCall software (GenomeStudio)
Marker Number 962,215 SNVs (reference: 1,000 Genomes Project Phase 3)
Japanese Genotype-phenotype Archive Dataset ID JGAD000498
Total Data Volume 4 GB (csv)
Comments (Policies) NBDC policy



Principal Investigator: Haruhisa Inoue

Affiliation: Center for iPS Cell Research and Applicatio (CiRA), Kyoto university

Project / Group Name: Laboratory of Stem Cell Medicine

URL: https://inoue.cira.kyoto-u.ac.jp/en/

Funds / Grants (Research Project Number):

NameTitleProject Number
Center for iPS Cell Research and Application, Kyoto University Management Expenses Grants - -
Center for Advanced Intelligence Project (AIP), RIKEN  Management Expenses Grants - -



TitleDOIDataset ID
1 Dissection of the polygenic architecture of neuronal Aβ production in Alzheimer’s disease using induced neurons from patient iPSCs


USERS (Controlled-access Data)

Principal InvestigatorAffiliationCountry/RegionResearch TitleData in Use (Dataset ID)Period of Data Use