hum0311 Release Note

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Research IDRelease DateType of Data
hum0311.v2 2022/07/28 Imputation data and index data for 180,882 patients from BBJ 1st cohort
hum0311.v1 2021/11/30 Genotype data for 11,716 patients from BBJ 1st cohort and 42,689 patients from BBJ 2nd cohort



DNAs extracted from peripheral blood cells or saliva of 180,882 patients from BBJ 1st cohort were genotyped by using of Illumina (HumanOmniExpressExome, HumanOmniExpress, HumanExome). Genotype imputation divided into 7 batches was carried out using GenomeStudio Software, Eagle software without a reference panel and Minimac4 software with TOPMed reference panel (Version R2 on GRC38) as a reference. Imputation data and index data were provided in vcf files.



DNAs extracted from peripheral blood cells or saliva of 11,716 patients from BBJ 1st cohort and 42,689 patients from BBJ 2nd cohort were genotyped using Asian Screening Array. Genotyping data of 657,060 variants were provided (idat, csv, plink binary files).

