hum0197 Release Note

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Research IDRelease DateType of Data
hum0197.v10 2022/06/16 GWAS for 9 phenotypes
hum0197.v9 2022/06/10 GWAS for Intracranial germ cell tumors
hum0197.v8 2022/06/03 Metagenome
hum0197.v7 2022/05/23 Metagenome
hum0197.v6 2022/02/08 Read count data of miRNA, eQTL summary data
hum0197.v5 2021/12/21 GWAS for 10 phenotypes, Fine-mapping for 79 phenotypes
hum0197.v4 2021/12/10 Metagenome
hum0197.v3 2021/03/22 GWAS for 215 phenotypes
hum0197.v2 2020/11/27 GWAS for autoimmune pulmonary alveolar proteinosis, Metagenome
hum0197.v1 2019/11/15 Metagenome



DNAs extracted from the Japanese and British populations were genotyped, imputed, genome-wide association studies, and meta analyses for 9 phenotypes were performed (text file).



DNAs extracted from patients with intracranial germ cell tumors were genotyped, imputed, and performed a genome-wide association study (text file).



Metagenome analysis of the gut microbiome in the Japanese population was performed by utilizing whole-genome shotgun sequencing. Fastq files are provided.



A metagenome-wide association study of gut microbiome in Inflammatory Bowel Disease (35 Ulcerative Colitis and 39 Crohn's disease) and 40 Healthy controls was performed by utilizing whole-genome shotgun sequencing. Fastq files are provided.



- RNAs extracted from PBMCs of 141 Japanese individuals were subjected to small RNA-seq analysis. Read count data of miRNAs is provided as a txt file.

- gDNAs extracted from whole blood of 141 Japanese individuals were subjected to whole genome sequencing analysis. miRNA-eQTL mapping was performed. eQTL summary data is provided as a txt file.



- DNAs extracted from the Japanese populations were genotyped, imputed, and genome-wide association study for 10 phenotypes were performed (text file).

- DNAs extracted from the Japanese populations were genotyped, imputed, and fine-mapping study for 79 phenotypes were performed (text file).



A metagenome-wide association study of gut microbiome in the Japanese population was performed by utilizing whole-genome shotgun sequencing. Fastq files are provided.



DNAs extracted from the Japanese and trans-ethnic populations were genotyped, imputed, and genome-wide association studies and meta analyses for 215 phenotypes were performed (text file).



- DNAs extracted from autoimmune pulmonary alveolar proteinosis patients were genotyped, imputed, and genome-wide association study was performed (text file).

- A metagenome-wide association study of gut microbiome in the Japanese population was performed by utilizing whole-genome shotgun sequencing. Fastq files are provided.



A metagenome-wide association study of gut microbiome in the Japanese population was performed by utilizing whole-genome shotgun sequencing. Fastq files are provided.

