About Revision of “NBDC Guidelines for Human Data Sharing” and “NBDC Security Guidelines for Human Data”


The National Bioscience Database Center (NBDC) of the Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST) partially revised “the NBDC Guidelines for Human Data Sharing” and “the NBDC Security Guidelines for Human Data” on June 22, 2021. The revised versions will come into effect on June 30, 2021.


  1. Purpose of Revision

       The Data Sharing Subcommittee and Steering Committee of the NBDC reviewed the Guidelines in view of introduction of “Registered-access Data” as a new access level for viewing the outline of controlled-access data, as well as matters that required further review and organization during the operation after the previous revision, and approved present revision of the Guidelines. The revised versions will come into effect on June 30, 2021.


  2. Revision Points
    • (1) Amendments associated with the introduction of a new access level, “Registered-access data”

         In order to promote the use of controlled-access data, we have set up "registered-access data" as a framework that makes it possible to view “outline information" created for each controlled-access dataset with a simple procedure. For the time being, viewing is limited to investigators who wish to use the Registered-access data among the investigators during the data usage period for which the use of any of the controlled-access data has been approved. The start of viewing the Registered-access data will be notified separately.


    • (2) Other amendments

         The wording has been clarified and the description has been changed to match the actual operation. In addition, as data users’ compliance items, we have added prohibition of the sale, weapons development and military applications of data acquired from the NBDC human database or data processed from the data.


  3. Contact information for operation of the Guidelines

       We accept inquiries about the Guidelines from the NBDC Human Database Inquiry Form at the following URL and respond after consultation as appropriate. In addition, we provide information on the NBDC Human Database website by preparing and posting a list of questions and answers which includes representative answers to inquiries.


The NBDC Guidelines for Human Data sharing

The NBDC Security Guidelines for Human Data (For Data Users) 

The NBDC Security Guidelines for Human Data (For Data Submitters) 

The NBDC Security Guidelines for Human Data (For Database Center Operation Managers and “Off-Premise-Server” Operation Managers)



The NBDC Data Sharing Subcommittee Office and The NBDC Human Data Review Board Office

Address: 5-3, Yonban-cho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, 102-8666

Tel : +81-3-5214-8491

Fax : +81-3-5214-8470

Inquiry Form: https://humandbs.biosciencedbc.jp/contact-us