This file has genotypes of microsatellite (MS) analyzed by Gochi et al ("Comprehensive analysis of microsatellite polymorphisms in human populations", doi: MS with variations in at least one sample are reported in this file. The list of all MS is provided as Additional file 1 (GRCh37) and Additional file 2 (GRCh38) in Gochi et al. Genotypes of MS were identified by MIVcall method (Genome Research (2020) (doi:10.1101/gr.255026.119)) MIVcall counts the length of each MS in each read. When multiple lengths are observed in a MS locus in a sample, the most frequent pattern is assumed to be present, and the second most frequent pattern is examined. The likelihood value (L) was calculated based on the number of reads and the difference in length between the most frequent pattern and the second most frequent pattern. Genotypes were determined based on the likelihood value, the number of reads of each allele, and variant allele frequency (VAF). This file consists of information on each MS and genotype. Genomic location is based on the GRCh37. These columns are as follows: 1. chr 2. MS start 3. MS end 4. Type of MS 5. Minor allele frequencies in all and each population. The minor allele frequency was calculated as 1 – (major allele frequency) in each SGDP and HGDP population (see Gochi et al.). 6-. Individual genotype In the genotype data, the following information is reported. "LOW" means that depth of coverage < 10 and genotype was not obtained. If genotype is homozygous, and are reported. If genotype is heterozygous, , , , , and are reported. Example "30:10/10:-" Total number of reads; 30 Genotype; homozygous of 10bp allele "25:8/13:minor_allele=13;L=-18.29;Number=8;VAF=0.32" Total number of reads; 25 Genotype; heterozygous of 8bp and 13bp alleles 2nd major allele; 13bp Value of L; -18.29 Number of reads that support 2nd major allele; 8 VAF of 2nd major allele; 0.32