e/sQTL summary statistics from “The whole blood transcriptional regulation landscape in 465 COVID-19 infected samples from Japan COVID-19 Task Force” (Wang et al 2022) Column descriptions for `taskforce_rna_releasedata_cis_eqtls.tsv.gz`: variant_id_hg19: chr:pos:ref:alt in hg19 variant_id_hg38: chr:pos:ref:alt in hg38 rsid: rsid based on dbSNP release 155, hg38 gene_id: Ensembl Gene ID tss_distance: Distance from the variant to the transcription starting site (TSS) ma_samples: Number of samples with minor allele in the study sample (Japan COVID-19 Task Force, n=465) ma_count: Number of minor alleles maf: Minor allele frequency pval_nominal: Nominal eQTL p-value calculated from fastQTL slope: Effect size of the alternative allele slope_se: Effect size standard error pip_fm: Posterior inclusion probability (PIP) from FINEMAP pip_susie: PIP from SuSiE ref_is_minor: True if the reference allele is the minor allele in the study sample Column descriptions for `taskforce_rna_releasedata_cis_sqtls.tsv.gz`: variant_id_hg19: chr:pos:ref:alt in hg19 variant_id_hg38: chr:pos:ref:alt in hg38 rsid: rsid based on dbSNP release 155, hg38 gene_id: Ensembl Gene ID cluster_id: Cluster ID defined by Leafcutter tss_distance: Distance from the variant to the transcription starting site (TSS) ma_samples: Number of samples with minor allele in the study sample (Japan COVID-19 Task Force, n=465) ma_count: Number of minor alleles maf: Minor allele frequency pval_nominal: Nominal eQTL p-value calculated from fastQTL slope: Effect size of the alternative allele slope_se: Effect size standard error pip_fm: Posterior inclusion probability (PIP) from FINEMAP pip_susie: PIP from SuSiE ref_is_minor: True if the reference allele is the minor allele in the study sample Columns description for `taskforce_rna_releasedata_trans_eqtls.tsv.gz`: variant_id_hg19: chr:pos:ref:alt in hg19 variant_id_hg38: chr:pos:ref:alt in hg38 rsid: rsid based on dbSNP release 155, hg38 phenotype_id: Ensembl Gene ID af: Alternative allele frequency pval: Nominal eQTL p-value calculated from tensorQTL b: Effect size of the alternative allele b_se: Effect size standard error (We preserved the column names from tensorQTL output, resulting in minor differences in the nomenclature compared to the cis-e/sQTL files, which used fastQTL.) Other notes: - Only the variant-gene (or intron cluster) pairs with p<0.05 are included in the cis-e/sQTL files, and those with p<5.0*10**-8 are in the trans-eQTL file - The cis-e/sQTL data are sorted by variant_id_hg38 and tss_distance, ascending order. The trans-eQTL data is sorted by variant_id_hg38 and phenotype_id. (They not necessarily correspond to genomic position order: e.g. chr10 comes earlier than chr2, based on alphabetical order) - PIPs are calculated only when the minimum p-value for the variant-gene (or variant-intron cluster) is lower than 5.0*10**-8 - We note that there are a very small number of variant-genes with PIP>>0 but are not included due to p>0.05.