Coronary artery GWAS results from the Biobank Japan Project (2020). [ File names ] BBJ_CAD_2020.sumstats.gz BBJ_CAD_2020.prs.gz [ File information ] BBJ_CAD_2020.sumstats.gz - Number of samples 168,228 (25,892 cases and 142,336 controls) - Number of variants tested 19,707,525 - Only variants with minor allele frequency ≥0.0002 - Effect allele = alternative allele - Positions are based on hg19 - Association test was performed using PLINK2, logistic regression model BBJ_CAD_2020.prs.gz - Weights for polygenic risk scoring - Number of variants 75,028 - Derived from transethnic meta-analysis combining the current study, Nikpay et. al., and Harst et. al. Reference: Nikpay, M. et al. A comprehensive 1,000 Genomes-based genome-wide association meta-analysis of coronary artery disease. Nat. Genet. 47, 1121–1130 (2015). van der Harst, P. & Verweij, N. Identification of 64 novel genetic loci provides an expanded view on the genetic architecture of coronary artery disease. Circ. Res. 122, 433–443 (2018). [ Column information ] BBJ_CAD_2020.sumstats.gz CHR: Chromosome name POS: Genomic position REF: Reference allele ALT: Alternative allele AAF: Alternative allele frequency BETA: Effect size of alternative allele SE: Standard error of BETA P: P-value N: Sample size BBJ_CAD_2020.prs.gz SNPID: Variant ID(CHR:POS:REF:ALT) CHR: Chromosome name POS: Genomic position EA: Effect allele(Alternative allele) BETA: Weight for alternative allele If you use these date, please cite the following paper: Koyama, S., Ito, K. Population-specific and transethnic genome-wide analyses identify distinct and shared genetic risk loci for coronary artery disease. Nat Genet in Press For any enquiries about the datasets, please contact the following individuals: Satoshi KOYAMA ( Kaoru ITO (