GWAS Summary Statistics of dietary habits in BioBank Japan Project

This data set provides the summary statistics of dietary habits in the BioBank Japan Project

Matoba N. et al., Nat Hum. Behav. (2020)

This includes 13 phenotypes: (please also see a Supplementary table provided in the journal) 41562_2019_805_MOESM3_ESM.xlsx


Analyzed traits

Trait (Full name) Trait (Abbr.) SEX Type # Case # Control # Total
Ever vs never drinkers EVERDRINK All Case-Control 83,713 81,371 165,084
Ever vs never drinkers EVERDRINK Male Case-Control 62,526 26,909 89,435
Ever vs never drinkers EVERDRINK Female Case-Control 21,187 54,462 75,649
Drinks per week DPW All QTL 58,610
Drinks per week DPW Male QTL 44,232
Drinks per week DPW Female QTL 14,378
Coffee consumption COFFEE All QTL (4 bins) 152,634
Coffee consumption COFFEE Male QTL (4 bins) 83,038
Coffee consumption COFFEE Female QTL (4 bins) 69,596
Green tea consumption TEA All QTL (4 bins) 152,653
Green tea consumption TEA Male QTL (4 bins) 83,028
Green tea consumption TEA Female QTL (4 bins) 69,625
Milk consumption MILK All QTL (4 bins) 152,965
Milk consumption MILK Male QTL (4 bins) 83,228
Milk consumption MILK Female QTL (4 bins) 69,737
Yogurt consumption YOGURT All QTL (4 bins) 152,907
Yogurt consumption YOGURT Male QTL (4 bins) 83,150
Yogurt consumption YOGURT Female QTL (4 bins) 69,757
Cheese consumption CHEESE All QTL (4 bins) 152,714
Cheese consumption CHEESE Male QTL (4 bins) 83,049
Cheese consumption CHEESE Female QTL (4 bins) 69,665
Natto consumption NATTO All QTL (4 bins) 152,678
Natto consumption NATTO Male QTL (4 bins) 83,023
Natto consumption NATTO Female QTL (4 bins) 69,655
Tofu consumption TOFU All QTL (4 bins) 152,943
Tofu consumption TOFU Male QTL (4 bins) 83,190
Tofu consumption TOFU Female QTL (4 bins) 69,753
Fish consumption FISH All QTL (4 bins) 153,048
Fish consumption FISH Male QTL (4 bins) 83,262
Fish consumption FISH Female QTL (4 bins) 69,786
Small fish consumption SMALL_FISH All QTL (4 bins) 152,277
Small fish consumption SMALL_FISH Male QTL (4 bins) 82,791
Small fish consumption SMALL_FISH Female QTL (4 bins) 69,486
Vegetables consumption VEGETABLE All QTL (4 bins) 153,001
Vegetables consumption VEGETABLE Male QTL (4 bins) 83,229
Vegetables consumption VEGETABLE Female QTL (4 bins) 69,772
Meat consumption MEAT All QTL (4 bins) 152,857
Meat consumption MEAT Male QTL (4 bins) 83,167
Meat consumption MEAT Female QTL (4 bins) 69,690


65 summary statistics were included in this data set.
- 13 traits x 3 set (All, Male and Female) autosomes
- 13 traits x 2 set (Male and Female) Xchromosomes

File Descriptsions

File Names # variants
${SEX}_2019_${Trait}_BBJ_autosome_Pcorrected.txt.gz 5,961,480
Male_2019_${Trait}_BBJ_Xchromosome_Pcorrected.txt.gz 170,117
Female_2018_${Trait}_BBJ_Xchromosome_Pcorrected.txt.gz 148,568

Column Description

Column Description
1 SNP rs number or ID string
2 CHR chromosome
3 POS physical position (hg19)
4 A1 effect allele
5 A2 other allele
6 A1Frq frquency of effect allele
7 Rsq imputation quality
8 BETA effect size from BOLT-LMM approximation to infinitestimal mixed model
9 SE standard error of effect size
10 P LDSC-intercept corrected infinitestimal mixed model association test p-value


When using these summary statistics, please cite the following paper.

Matoba, N., Akiyama, M., Ishigaki, K. et al. GWAS of 165,084 Japanese individuals identified nine loci associated with dietary habits. Nat Hum Behav 4, 308–316 (2020).