hum0166 Release Note

Research IDRelease DateType of Data
hum0166.v2 2024/01/25 SNP array data of 2680 patients with inflammatory bowel diseases
hum0166.v1 2019/07/30 GWAS for 1221 patients of Inflammatory bowel disease with thiopurine-induced adverse events (Leukopenia, Alopecia)



gDNAs extracted from peripheral blood cells of 2680 patients with inflammatory bowel diseases were genotyped by using of Affymetrix Japonica Array v1. Intensity data were provided as CEL files.



gDNAs extracted from peripheral blood cells of 1221 patiants with an inflammatory bowel disease were genotyped by using of Affymetrix Japonica Array v1 and performed a genome-wide association study. Statistical analyses data were provided as csv files.

